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I need to increase my readership haha
- JFav

Monday, January 26, 2009

The Spectacular Spider-Man S02E03 "Reinforcement" Live Blog!

With some fried chicken and rice on hand, I now present to you, my invisible public, The Spectacular Spider-Man!

-"Thanks Blackie! I owe you an eggnog!"

- Great exchange:

Spidey: "Ho ho ho, I'm Spidey-Claus and what would your name be young man?"
Criminal with an EYE-PATCH: "Patch. Patch!"
Spidey: "Wow. Did your parents have foresight or what?"

- Whoa. Waittamniute. A Sinister Seven??

- I just love the theme song.

- Cletus?? KASSIDY?? Great easter egg.

- Damn pussycat Kraven.

- Damn hispanic Liz Allen.

- So that solves the Sinister 7 problem, no Doc Ock.

- I feel like Peter with the whole Liz-Gwen thing. :(

- LOL at the MJ "Distraction" moment.

- Sorting Coco! Haha. God I hope they get together on this show.

- HAHA! With the burnt tongue! Man this show is awesome. Yay :D

- Electro can shoot electricity out of his mouth? That's gotta be bad for your teeth right? Hopefully he didn't have any retainers on.

- This show is the funniest cartoon ever. Sleigh. Sandman. Logic. HAHA!

- "Arms? Check. Legs? Check. Head? Check. Hey my burnt tongue's better too! Christmas miracle!" Follwed by:
(After a beetle falls from the sky next to Spidey)
Rhino: "A bug, for a bug!"
Sandman: "Yeah, I got that. For you that was clever!"
Rhino: "Thanks."

- After Spidey takes out Sandman, Rhino charges after him. Peter uses an oxygen tank to hit Rhino with and he taunts him to come after him. Rhino obliges jumping from the dock to the frozen river. The ice starts to crack. Rhino realizes what Spidey just made him do.

Rhino: "I hate you. So much." LOL

- The showrunners are great SPECTACULAR. The bit with the webshooters? Good eye.

- "Well you are the expert on premature gloatalation." Haha.

- "Oh fudge." I'm finding a lot of what he says today funny. That's a good thing. I think.

I so love this show.

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