(Is the rat smart enough to get out of the kitchen? Will it attack me again? I have to finish this entry before it escapes.)
Anyway! I've had an unusual amount of good fortune lately. OR WELL. Not really. There was that one thing that kinda ruined it. Gah. My life, so much drama! (NOT TO MENTION THE RAT.)
It's a big deal isn't it? Principles and values were spit on. Trust, TRUST, was broken.
Wasn't it?
Yeah. There were lies involved. Subterfuge. Hiding. You don't care about me as much as you should. Or at least, because of who you are to me, I expect more from you. And you failed. Miserably.
This on top of that other thing. (Not the rat.) What am I really doing? What end are we racing towards? I'm in the driver seat. I'm making headway...but I keep on looking over my shoulder, when I shouldn't. I'm staring when I shouldn't. I'm doing it again.
What is it you really want? Argh.
Enough of that. Enough now.
Earlier today, I tried coming up with my dream Avengers team. Well, no, it wasn't the absolute dream list. It was the list I thought that could work, now. I think I have to revise it. Here goes.
Peter Parker - Spider-Man
Luke Cage - Power Man
Clint Barton - Ronin/Hawkeye
Dane Whitman - Black Knight
Faiza Hussain - Excalibur
Carol Danvers - Ms. Marvel
Daisy Johnson - Quake
Bobby Drake - Iceman
Stephen Strange - Just Stephen Strange now
Behold, Jeri's Mightiest Heroes. Okay, it's kinda a large team. But hey, it's the Avengers! They need a lot firepower. And I like the team. Peter and Luke to me have proven themselves to be real Avengers, Disassembled be damned! Clint will be team leader here. I like that the guy without any powers is the leader. Dane's an old-school Avenger and if he comes back to the states, he's gotta bring his girlfriend too. Faiza is a real hero in her own right (see: Captain Britain and MI13) and she wields Excalibur. Do you want to tell her she can't be an Avenger? She, along with Daisy Johnson and Bobby Drake are the first-timers. I love Iceman. He was an OG X-Man, why shouldn't he become an Avenger too? And Daisy is supposed to become one of the best, one of the greatest heroes ever, this is where it starts. Carol Danvers is in it because I realized, none of them can fly unassisted. Doc Strange is in it because the team needs magical support/a plot device/deus ex machina. I know he isn't Sorceror Supreme anymore, but he still should be able to help a lot.
I wish I could've made Nova, Cyclops and Ben-Reilly Avengers too. Oh and Kate Bishop and Eli Bradley too. But. Alas. I can live with this.
That's all for now. I'm going to leave now before that damn rat attacks me again. Later!
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